Sweepstakes and Contests Promotional Marketing
Sweepstakes can be one of the most economical promotion because the prize cost is spread across all the non winners. RBNC designed this program to guide participants how to develop and manage a Sweepstakes and Contest Program for your business.
How you will benefit
At the end of this program, participants will be able to:
- Understand what sweepstakes program is
- Identify the sweepstakes promotional objectives, strategies and tactics
- Develop and Manage a sweepstakes promotional marketing plan
- Understand the advantages and disadvantages of each tactic in sweepstakes promotional marketing
Who should attend
Sweepstakes and Contest Promotional Marketing Program is designed for all Sales and Marketing Professionals both online and offline
What you will cover
- Sweepstakes and Contest program definition and terminology
- When to use Sweepstakes and Contest program when not
- Advantages and disadvantages of Sweepstakes and Contest program
- Understand your business direction
- How to develop Sweepstakes and Contest program objectives and strategies
- How to develop tactics and action plans
- Process and cost
- Budgeting and cost-per-sale scenario
- Impact of risk vs probability of occurrence
- Risk management
Live Online
12 Jun 2025
New York
25 Sep 2025

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