
If your business enters a new era from small to medium; medium to big size; horizontal and vertical business growth; or seeking for improvement of company’s performance and individual development of its employees, RBNC is your right partner.

Corporate Strategy Facilitation, Implementation & Transformation

  • Planning is vital to any organization’s success. RBNC has partnered with cooperative management teams and boards for many years, and has the critical knowledge and understanding of how cooperatives operate. Our team takes pride in keeping current on new business trends, technologies, markets, players, and customer and employee expectations through our own research and by working with world-renowned experts in a variety of fields.
  • Prior to the facilitation, we will review your organization’s previous strategic plan, business plan, annual report, and any other documents that will provide background and an accurate perspective on the current status of the organization. At the planning meeting, we will facilitate a series of discussion that will help determine where your organization needs to be in three to five years and how you will get there.
  • After Facilitating and Implementing Strategy is Transformation. It is key in today's business environment. Businesses need to re-assess the roadmap ahead and re-chart the course as needed. We do Business Transformation Advisory

Corporate Culture Assessment & Consulting

  • Our corporate culture assessments measure how well a corporate culture aligns with an organization’s vision and strategy. In essence, our assessments identify where you are; we then can help you create a roadmap to move you where you want to be.
  • Our culture assessments can be especially helpful before or just following a significant announcement, such as a merger or a significant leadership change, so that your leadership and communications teams understand how to best position and execute the change.

Restructuring, Merger or Consolidation Assessment, Facilitation and Management

  • Is your organization considering a restructure, merger, consolidation or joint management as a possible strategic response to remain competitive and relevant in a rapidly changing marketplace? We can facilitate discussions around the advantages and disadvantages, develop a project plan and schedule, identify resources to perform due diligence (legal, credit review, financial modeling), and assist in the creation of effective communication plans.

Employees Competencies Development Aligning with Company/Business Objectives

  • Focus on company objectives or issues important to your organization
  • Develop competencies for all employees basing on business direction with a wise investment
  • Executive One-on-One coaching to develop future leader for your organization
  • Schedule the program is flexible and conducted within your organization
  • Best practice sharing of other industries from our experts

To discuss your Transformation needs, please speak to one of our Global Business Advisor
