There are two main differentiators between our approach and that of our peers. The first is gaining a real understanding of our clients’ corporate strategy, cultures through conversations with all of the directors at the outset of every assignment. The second is our commitment to look beyond our databases to find CXO who can contribute real value to our clients’ enterprises.
Our approach to board assessment is straightforward and tailored to your specific needs. It allows directors and management to reinforce areas of strength and get issues on the table in order to resolve them. Through a process that includes a broad survey and in-depth conversations with all of the directors and key members of the management team, we are able to develop a list of recommended actions based on director and management views, and benchmarked against our understanding of best practices, that results in a better functioning board and improved collaboration among all the players
Occasionally, even the best corporate boards bog down under the weight of compliance issues, committee responsibilities and lengthy board meeting agendas. Often, they are left with too little time to effectively counsel management on strategic challenges. Other times, there may be a single issue that is holding the board back – i.e., an inadequate process for evaluating the CEO or a personality issue that is negatively affecting board dynamics.