Train The Trainer


RBNC designed the two days course covering the following four processes. Participants will be involved in experiencing these processes as well as teaching them. This is very much a practical hands-on course.




How you will benefit

  • Identify and develop skills required in successful trainers
  • List various adult learning principles and their implications on the delivery of training
  • Examine training methods and determine the most appropriate for their training workshops
  • Apply training models in the design and delivery of training programs
  • Write specific Instructional Learning Objectives (ILOs)
  • Develop blueprints for training sessions
  • Plan and deliver a training session relevant to their areas of expertise

Who should attend

  • All those who are involved in training.
  • People with organisational expertise who need to inform others
  • Team leaders who need to train new organisational members
  • Volunteers who are leading and training in a community based organisation
  • Organisational leaders who have to train others.

What you will cover

Module 1: The Learning Process

  • How do people learn?
  • Understanding the three basic learning styles
  • Barriers to the learning process
  • Importance of interactivity
  • Why we need to cater for different styles
  • Recognising the four different action modes

Module 2: The Design Process

  • Research to know what the course should cover
  • Understanding the stages of the design process
  • Knowing how to write learning outcomes
  • Making content relevant to the learning outcomes
  • Designing interactive approaches to meet the learning outcomes
  • Realising the role technology will play

Module 3: The Delivery Process

  • Recognising the five steps to effective presentations
  • Understanding the professional approach
  • Using video to teach this process
  • Taking the interactive approach to delivery
  • Understanding and rehearsing with technology

Module 4: The Evaluation Process

  • Know the evaluation tools available
  • Realise the importance of pre and post evaluation techniques
  • Design evaluation processes to measure the learning outcomes
Study Time

This practical training program is designed with:

16 hours training - 2 days


New York
3,500 $
30 Aug & 31 Aug 2025