Building International Teams


If you are thinking of internationalize your Corporate, Brands & Products, you have to think about building international teams. This course aims to assist managers, HR professionals and team members to develop the intercultural competence and communication skills required when building international teams. Upon completion of a Building International Teams course, you will understand the key issues and motivators that drive international teams and gain the skills and tools to successfully build, manage and work in an international team. 

How you will benefit

RBNC’s Building International Teams course will provide you with:

  • Increased understanding of the impact of cultural differences for international team building
  • The opportunity to explore cultural diversity and its impact on international team building
  • Enhanced communication skills to positively interact with international colleagues, superiors, subordinates
  • Strategies to enhance motivation, leadership and decision-making in international team building

Who should attend

RBNC’s Building International Teams course will be of benefit to you if you:

  • Lead an established international team
  • Are responsible for building a new international team
  • Work in a culturally diverse environment
  • Regularly work in international project teams

What you will cover

  • The difference between country culture and company culture
  • How to identify the business culture at any market you want to step in
  • How to match your company culture with business culture

  • Company values vs personal values 
  • How to mentor and coach your team members in line with company values

  • Understand characteristics of yourself and others
  • How to adjust yourself to work with other
  • Business Life Cycle vs Attitude: Start, Growth, Mature, Decline stages

  • Emotional Intelligence communication
  • Do and Don't in international communication

Ready to enroll

Course information

Building International Teams

To discuss your Corporate Training needs, please speak to one of our Global Business Advisors by completing the following form

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If you enroll more than one person on the same course you will automatically receive a 10% discount (per person).

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