
Promoting Spiritual Wellness in Organization - What Executive Should Know

Spiritual wellness refers to the search for meaning and purpose in life, as well as the development of a deep sense of inner peace and connection to something greater than oneself. It involves exploring your values, beliefs, and sense of purpose, and finding ways to cultivate a sense of spirituality or mindfulness in your daily life
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Promoting Occupational Wellness in Organization - What Executive Should Know

Occupational wellness refers to the satisfaction and fulfillment you gain from your work or career. It involves finding a job or career that aligns with your values, interests, and skills, and feeling a sense of purpose and accomplishment in your work.
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Promoting Emotional Wellness in Organization - What Executive Should Know

Emotional wellness refers to the ability to understand, express, and manage your emotions effectively. It involves cultivating positive emotions, coping with stress, and maintaining healthy relationships with others.
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Promoting Intellectual Wellness in Organization - What Executive Should Know

Intellectual wellness refers to the ability to engage in lifelong learning, expand your knowledge and skills, and explore new ideas and experiences. It is about cultivating your intellectual curiosity, creativity, and critical thinking skills
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