Level 2 - Your Manager Shine First, Office Politics, Unwritten Rules

What do you think of when you hear the words office politics? Is it all about backstabbing, spreading malicious rumors, and sucking up to the right people? If so, you'll likely want to stay as far away from it as you can.
RBNC involved in many projects related to Organizational Development, Corporate Culture and Optimize Employees Performance, we believe what you should practice about office politics as follow:
  1. Align Your Manager's Expectations: S/He will evaluate your performance based on the expectations
  2. Adapt to Your Manager's Style: Identify his/her personalities, adjust yourself to fit in
  3. Take Responsibility for Building a Sound Relationship: You feel stress but the way it is
  4. Push Back Wisely: Find the way to say NO depending on his/her personalities



>>> Level 1 - A Healthy Organisation, Office Politics, Unwritten Rules

>>> Level 3 - Defend Yourself and Master the Games, Office Politics, Unwritten Rules
